Everyone poops his or her own viruses
This safe-to-eat signal is so powerful that a mouse who has eaten poison will return for more if it catches a whiff of the poison on another mouse’s breath, says behavioral scientist Bennett Galef of McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. “The strength of this social learning on food choice is huge,” says Galef, whose research revealed that mixing CS2 with rat poison drew four times as many rodents to the bait.Office 2007 makes life great!
In most primates — including people — the gene in charge of making the GC-D cells no longer functions, though it appears to work in dogs and presumably many other mammals, Liman says. Perhaps this loss of specialized cells for detecting CS2 coincided with other changes in the primate lifestyle, including a shift to daytime activity and improved eyesight, which made vision as important as smell for evaluating food.
Scientists have conducted a new kind of gut check — one that catalogs viruses found in the intestines of identical twins and their mothers.Office 2007 download is on sale now!
The work suggests that each person has a distinctive mix of viruses in their feces, and that mix doesn’t change much over time, say researchers led by Jeffrey Gordon of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The new study, which appears in the July 15 Nature, also suggests that viruses and bacteria in the gut aren’t engaging in the molecular arms races that usually characterize how microbes and their viral predators relate to each other.
The new work grew out of the Human Microbiome Project, which seeks to catalog the genetic diversity of bacteria, archaea, and other microbes living in and on the human body. Gordon’s virome project (for viral genome) identified hundreds of types of viruses, about 80 percent of which were not previously known. Most of them are bacteriophages — viruses that attack bacteria.Office 2010 key is for you now!
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