Don't do this with PowerPoint. Seriously.
Before this, you must do any serious application, we will tell you something, you should always browse better.
There are a few things you should not slide, unless you really know what you're doing, and why. Even so, look before you leap.
Don't bounce report 2007 / between 2008 and win the Mac and/or early versionsOffice 2007 makes life great!
When you save from 2007 earlier 97-2003 homemade or equivalent Mac format, trying to protect editability appearance PowerPoint. It also causes a lot of additional slide master. This is good. If you need to do is check report in an old version of the slide. But if you edit it, then open it, especially in PowerPoint in 2007, if you move through a few back-and-forth cycle, so, you will find yourself in the dark. The header, footer, slippery Numbers and date may appear in unexpected ways, you can find a lot of unexpectedly, on the one hand, masters and layout.
If you cooperate with others, mobile "preview" version of the presentation, but the limits and the "real" editing a file in one or the other versions, but not both.
Don't bounce statement between both MAC and PC
See above. The problem is, again, a slightly different moving between both MAC and PC version will lead to the subtle difficult PowerPoint to solve the problem. Best avoided.
Don't mean to pre - 97/98 version of the speechOffice 2007 download is on sale now!
The window 97,2000,2002 PowerPoint 2000 and 2003, mike, 2001, the X PowerPoint 98 year of 2004 and all use the same file format. Early versions ignore things they don't understand in later editions preserved PPT. Just to save your files are usually if you want to share it with the user's PPT version.
These rules are different, if you use, where you can have kept back PowerPoint 2007 97-2003 format, so people can use your speech. In this case, look at the slides before compatible version to understand more about the "to work".
The only alternative is PowerPoint 95, irate work in four (old PowerPoint PowerPoint) and "PowerPoint 97 - XXX and 95 presentation" save the current and PowerPoint 95 version of speech in the same file. Results: the dropsy, large files. I see why so big PowerPoint files? What can I do? For more information.Office 2010 key is for you now!
Unless you absolutely must share files and people still use slides 95, there is no reason to go to save what type of normal PPT. For those, you may find it easy to give them a free of audience, this will allow you to view and print PowerPoint's speech in full fidelity. Download free PowerPoint audience
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