

Briny deep basin may be home to animals thriving without oxygen

Daniel Lacks, a materials physicist at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, says the new study could be identifying one of several mechanisms at work in particle clouds. In earlier work, Lacks showed that electrical charging depends on the size of particles in question, with smaller particles tending to charge negatively and larger particles tending to charge positively. Office 2007 makes life great!

“The bottom line is that something is needed to break the symmetry when two particles of identical composition collide, in order for one particle to charge negatively and the other to charge positively,” he says. For particles of different sizes, he says his mechanism might be in play; for identically sized particles, the new model might explain it.

Some challenges remain, such as explaining where the background electric field that charges the particles came from. But Herrmann says the work is philosophically satisfying, in answering a long-held question, and may yet have practical applications.  Office 2007 download is on sale now!

The claim is startling and the evidence indirect, but marine biologists seem open to the idea that multicellular animals can live without oxygen.

Three species of loriciferan, a creature that sounds and looks like something out of a Dr. Seuss book, appear to go their whole lives without oxygen, researchers report online April 6 in BMC Biology.

“This discovery is truly exceptional,” says invertebrate biologist Gonzalo Giribet of Harvard University, who was not part of the study.

Pulled out of a briny, sulfurous hellhole 3.5 kilometers below the surface of the Mediterranean Sea, the newfound creatures look like tiny cups with tentacles sticking out. Loriciferans are real, multicellular animals though, so different from other creatures that the tiny marine oddballs have their own phylum on a par with mollusks and arthropods.

Until now, biologists had expected only one-celled organisms such as bacteria to thrive in oxygen-depleted places. Multicellular animals were known to pass through or hunker down temporarily in environments without oxygen, but in all cases needed to have it in some way at some time.  Office 2010 key is for you now!

FOR KIDS: Elephant all-wheel drive

savanna or touring the jungles of Southeast Asia. They’re the largest of the living land animals, and like many other land animals they’ve got four legs to move them around.

But just because elephants have four legs — like zebras, lions or wildebeests — doesn’t mean they use them in the same way as other four-legged animals, or quadrupeds. In a recent study, a team of scientists found a clever way to understand the elephants’ walk. The scientists found that the giant animals used their legs in a surprising way, a way unlike that used by most other quadrupeds.Microsoft Office 2007 can give you more convenient life.

Most quadrupeds push with their back legs and use their front legs as brakes. (One of the easiest animals to imagine moving in this way is a bunny.) Elephants, however, use all four legs to both move forward and slow down. John Hutchinson, a scientist at the Royal Veterinary College in London, sees a similarity between elephants and all-terrain vehicles, in which every wheel contributes equally.

“They really do seem to act like four-wheel-drive vehicles, cruising along,” he told Science News. Hutchinson, along with other scientists, worked with elephant experts at the Thai Elephant Conservation Center in Lampang, Thailand, to learn how the creatures use their legs.

Watching an elephant walk may seem like an easy afternoon, but finding a way to understand the science is anything but simple. It’s such a difficult study that until now, no one had ever looked closely. After all, if you watch an elephant, it’s tough to tell how much its legs are bending.Office 2007 download is helpful!

The scientists installed heavy-duty scales in the ground to keep track of how much of each elephant’s weight hit the ground as it ran. Then, they attached light-reflecting disks (similar to the ones on bicycles) to parts of the elephants’ legs and bodies. Finally, they sent the elephants walking over the scales — and used seven special cameras to record how those reflective disks moved.

The measurements showed that elephants use their front legs to move forward, which is different from most quadrupeds. Much different — the scientists actually found that elephants use their front legs in a way that’s similar to the way human beings walk. That was a surprising discovery, since scientists used to think that elephants’ legs were not very bendable.

“It’s ridiculously close,” Hutchinson told Science News. He points out that elephant legs can bend almost as much as human limbs can.The invention of Microsoft Office 2010 is a big change of the world.

“We think we can consider elephant limbs as a kind of big human limb,” says Lei Ren, a scientist at the University of Manchester in England who also worked on the study.

The scientists are now working on computer programs that will show how the muscles, tendons and bones work together to help an elephant get around. With this information, scientists may be able to help elephants who have arthritis. Scientists may also be able to figure out why elephants don’t run faster.

“There’s got to be some weak link in the limb that prevents elephants from moving any faster than they do,” Hutchinson told Science News. “If we can figure it out for elephants, it can help for other species as well.”

Colliding dust grains charge each other up

It’s the ultimate love-at-first-sight story: In the middle of the desert, hundreds of miles from anything else, lonely sand grains meet up in a crowd and decide to electrify each other. Sparks fly.

Physicists have long puzzled over why sand grains and other small particles can build up electrical charges as they collide with one another, sometimes to the point of discharging lightning in dust storms or plumes of volcanic ash. Now, a paper appearing online April 11 in Nature Physics suggests that particles transfer electrical charge vertically during a smashup, such that positive charges move downward and negative charges move up in the cloud.Many people like Microsoft Office.

The findings could help combat a wide variety of practical problems, such as the adhesion of charged dust to solar panels on a Mars rover or the generation of dangerous electrical discharges that sometimes occur when a helicopter takes off in the desert. Dust clouds can create problems in grain silos, where charge sometimes builds up and leads to explosions, and in the pharmaceutical industry, where particles of ground-up drugs can become charged and not mix properly, says Hans Herrmann, a materials researcher at ETH Zurich.

Herrmann says he became interested in the problem after watching lightning in swirling sands over dune fields at night. “Normally when particles collide, they neutralize,” he says. “How could it be that charges increase?”Microsoft Office 2007 is welcomed by the whole world.

Working with ETH colleague Thomas Pähtz and Troy Shinbrot of Rutgers University’s campus in Piscataway, New Jersey, Herrmann developed a model to explain how the charging happened. Before colliding, the grains have an overall neutral charge but are polarized by a background electric field, with a negative charge towards the top of the grain and a positive charge towards the bottom, relative to the ground. Upon colliding, the particles neutralize each other at the point of contact, but when they separate again they became further polarized, with additional charges building up on the grains’ edges.

“Every time there’s a collision you end up pumping charge from the top to the bottom,” says Shinbrot. The researchers ran computer simulations and then a series of experiments with glass beads to confirm the theory. Office 2010 –save your time and save your money.

Mapping the fruit fly brain

WASHINGTON — A new computer-based technique is exploring uncharted territory in the fruit fly brain with cell-by-cell detail that can be built into networks for a detailed look at how neurons work together. The research may ultimately lead to a complete master plan of the entire fly brain. Mapping the estimated 100,000 neurons in a fly brain, and seeing how they interact to control behavior, will be a powerful tool for figuring out how the billions of neurons in the human brain work.Office 2007 makes life great!

The program has already found some new features of the fruit fly brain, said study coauthor Hanchuan Peng of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Janelia Farm Research Campus in Ashburn, Va. “We can see very beautiful and very complicated patterns,” said Peng, who presented the results April 9 at the 51st Annual Drosophila Research Conference. “If you look at neurons at a better resolution, or look at regions you’ve never looked at before, you’ll find something new.”Office 2007 download is on sale now!

Peng and his colleagues developed a method, also described in the April Nature Biotechnology, which incorporates many different images of fruit fly brains. The brains come from flies that were genetically programmed so that select neurons glow when struck with a particular type of laser light. By combining thousands of these digital images from different flies, the researchers can create maps of how these different neuronal populations fit together. The full map of the fly brain isn’t yet complete, but it will grow as more images are added.

These kinds of large-scale studies that focus on how neurons are connected are “very important for the future,” commented geneticist Wei Xie of Southeast University in Nanjing, China. Understanding how all of the neurons work together is much more meaningful than studying how a single brain cell connects to another cell, Xie said. “Just a neuron is not enough.”

“What we want to do in the next few years is to add more and more neuron reconstructions into this map,” Peng said. He likened the process to a Google Earth resource. “If you think about the fruit fly brain as the Earth, the little neurons will be the streets. We want to map a lot of neuron streets onto the Earth,” he said.Office 2010 key is for you now!

Peng and his colleagues have started combing their preliminary brain map for interesting features and comparing different flies’ brains to one another. For the most part, patterns of neuron-connecting pathways don’t vary much from brain to brain, the researchers found.

On the other hand, the shapes of cells in the same brain structure can differ dramatically. For example, the variety of shapes found in the neurons of a wheel-shaped brain structure called the ellipsoid body “are just amazing,” Peng says. In the same fly, some of the cells spread inside the ring, while others point outward in a complex lock-and-key arrangement.

The results are preliminary, but finding such unexpected variation could mean that these neurons — which were thought to be nearly carbon copies of each other — have important functional differences.

FOR KIDS: Indoor ozone stopper1

It may seem like good news that human skin helps indoor spaces fight off dangerous ozone. After all, if the ozone goes away, then a person won’t breathe it and face the bad health effects.

But that may not be the case: Emerging research suggests this battle with ozone might present its own dangers. Office 2007 key is very convenient!

In a different experiment, scientists in Austria mixed together ozone and skin oils in the laboratory. They found that, even though this mixing gets rid of ozone, it also creates new kinds of pollution. One in particular, called 4-oxopentanal (or 4-OPA), might be particularly dangerous. Until now, scientists have not analyzed 4-OPA to see how toxic it is, but that’s changing.

Yet another team of scientists are working on this chemical at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in Morgantown, W.V. In early studies, the researchers found evidence that 4-OPA may be even worse than ozone. In other words, the ozone may be gone — but what’s left in its place may be even worse for human health.Office 2010 download is available now!

In the end, scientists want to know exactly what’s going on with the molecules that we breathe — and they hope this information will help us find new ways to protect our health. But the scientific journey from the first experiment (in the children’s bedrooms) is long, requiring study after study by scientists who can learn from each other.


ozone A poisonous form of oxygen that forms naturally in the atmosphere when oxygen is exposed to ultraviolet radiation. It is also produced in the lower atmosphere by the chemical reaction of certain pollutants.

phthalates Various forms of phthalic acid. Used in plastics and solvents.

chemistry The science of the composition, structure, properties and reactions of matter, particularly of atomic and molecular systems.

oxygen A nonmetallic element constituting 21 percent of the atmosphere by volume and is in many compounds such as water and iron ore. It combines with most elements, is essential for plant and animal respiration, and is required for nearly all combustion.Buy Office 2007 you can get much convenience.

Genome-wide association studies, which comb through these giant databases looking for links between genetic and physical traits, have the potential to generate clinically valuable information. Establishing such links could help doctors understand, for example, why patients respond differently to certain drugs.

Hiding patients in plain sight

A new technique allows medical records to be used for research on the genetics of disease while still protecting patients from prying eyes.

Databases that link thousands of people’s DNA profiles to their medical histories are a powerful tool for researchers who want to use genetics to individualize the diagnosis and treatment of disease. But this promise of personalized medicine comes with concerns about patient privacy. Now scientists have come up with a way to alter personal medical information so it’s still meaningful for research, but meaningless to someone trying to ID an individual in a database.

 “We’re hoping that it’s a game-changer,” says Bradley Malin, a biomedical informatics specialist from Vanderbilt University in Nashville who helped develop the method.Many people like Microsoft Office.

The new method, published online April 12 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, simply disguises parts of the medical history data that are not relevant to a geneticist’s particular research question using an algorithm that combs through health records and makes some aspects of them more general.

For example, if scientists want to examine links between genes and asthma, parts of an individual’s medical record that pertain to asthma are kept intact. But if that asthmatic patient also had a broken arm as a teenager, the algorithm changes the medical code for a broken left forearm to a code that indicates only a broken bone. Microsoft Office 2007 is welcomed by the whole world.

“What’s really great about this is even though it anonymizes the data, it still allows you to go in and find an association with medical history,” says Nils Homer of the University of California, Los Angeles, who was not involved with the research.

The researchers tested their algorithm against potential hackers using information from more than 2,600 patients. The team assumed a hacker might know a patient’s identity, some of their medical history and maybe some of the medical codes associated with that history. The technique stymied efforts to ID an individual based on that information, the researchers report.

“There is definitely a need to de-identify individuals,” says Homer, who was part of a team that demonstrated two years ago that it is possible to trace a genetic signature back to an individual even when that person’s DNA profile was buried in a pool of thousands. The finding prompted the National Institutes of Health to restrict access to genetic databases that had previously been available to anyone with Internet access.Office 2010 –save your time and save your money.

FOR KIDS: Mercury's magnetic twisters1

Slavin says solar wind blasts and magnetic tornadoes may not be creating all of Mercury’s atmosphere, but they probably help a lot. “Ultimately, it’s at least contributing to these variations in Mercury’s metallic atmosphere,” he says.Office 2007 key is very convenient!

But it will take more missions to Mercury before all the mysteries have been solved. One thing scientists have learned from Mariner 10 and MESSENGER, says Sarantos, is that the atmosphere changes quickly on tiny Mercury. Scientists may have to change the way they’re using MESSENGER’s instruments — studying what happens within a minute, rather than what happens within an hour.

“What surprised me the most is how fast things are happening,” says Sarantos. “We thought fast meant variations on a daily basis, but the suggestion of variations in a matter of minutes is too fast for us who analyze these measurements".”

The message from MESSENGER — and from Mariner 10 — is that we still have a lot to learn about Mercury. It’s no quiet pilgrim running around the sun. Instead, with its weak magnetic field, it’s like a miniature Earth whose size and place near the sun lead to strange and unexpected natural phenomena, like giant tornadoes and a disappearing atmosphere.Office 2010 download is available now!

“This is a marvelous example of space weather at another planet,” Slavin says.

atmosphere The gaseous mass or envelope surrounding a celestial body, especially the one surrounding Earth, and retained by the celestial body’s gravitational field.

magnetosphere An asymmetrical, bullet-shaped region around Earth, extending from about 700,000 kilometers above the surface on the day side to at least 500 million km on the night side, in which charged particles are trapped and their behavior is dominated by Earth’s magnetic field.

magnetic field A force field around a magnet or an electric current, characterized by the force it exerts on magnetic materials (such as a compass needle) and its ability to deflect the trajectories of charged particles.Buy Office 2007 you can get much convenience.

Intentional weight loss in old age not detrimental, study finds

analysis shows.

Writing in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, researchers tackled a long-held assumption that weight loss in old age is uniformly unhealthy. The idea stems from overpowering data linking rapid, unintentional weight loss in the elderly to a hidden underlying problem, such as the onset of type 2 diabetes. Microsoft Office 2007 can give you more convenient life.

“The loss of weight over six months without a specific cause is a very bad prognostic sign,” says study coauthor Stephen Kritchevsky, an epidemiologist at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, N.C.

That has ingrained the notion among doctors that any weight loss in the elderly is risky, he says. “I’ve been at meetings on nutrition in the elderly, and there have been reputable geriatricians who have said in public that if you ask an older person to lose weight you’re committing malpractice,” he says. Office 2007 download is helpful!

To assess the effects of intended weight loss, Kritchevsky and his colleagues analyzed data collected by a long-term trial in the 1990s. In the study 316 obese people, average age 70, were randomly assigned in roughly equal numbers to one of four interventions: a dieting program, dieting plus exercise, exercise only or health education only. The people had arthritic knees but were otherwise free of major health problems.

After 18 months, people in the weight-loss groups had shed 10 pounds, on average, whereas the nondieters had lost three. Over the following eight years half as many of the dieters died as did people in the nondieting group.

“This is a really valuable randomized study in elderly people,” says epidemiologist Kenneth Adams of Health Partners Research Foundation in Minneapolis, Minn. “The result is kind of unexpected.” The invention of Microsoft Office 2010 is a big change of the world.

“I think the findings show potential benefits in obese people,” says Lewis Kuller, an epidemiologist at the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health. “But I don’t think this is going to change doctors’ views about weight loss in the elderly.” That’s because people who lose fat also invariably lose some muscle and bone mass, he says.

The long-term effects of weight loss are difficult to track in health care studies because many people fail to keep the weight off. That means the number of people who stay thinner dwindles, and the study loses statistical power. When coupled with a mortality analysis — waiting to count the number of people who die during the trial follow-up — numbers shrink even further. For example, in this trial only 15 people in the weight-loss group died over the eight-year follow-up period compared with 30 in the nondieting group.

Even so, Adams says, “this is probably some of the best information we have on the effects of weight loss in the elderly.” Kritchevsky says the findings need to replicated before being applied to the clinical setting.

solar wind A stream of high-speed, ionized particles ejected primarily from the sun’s outer atmosphere.

plasma An electrically neutral, highly ionized gas composed of ions, electrons and neutral particles. It is a phase of matter distinct from solids, liquids and normal gases.

Blame it on the sun

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, which means the sun’s heat and radiation are much stronger than on any other planet. On Mercury’s day side, temperatures soar to about 800 º Fahrenheit, but on the dark night side, they fall to about -300º F. Because of its location, Mercury is also affected by the solar wind.Office 2007 makes life great!

The solar wind is like a high-energy stream — in this case, a stream of plasma — that blasts away from the sun in all directions at about one million miles per hour. That’s fast enough to get from the Earth to the moon in about 15 minutes. When the solar wind hits Earth, we barely notice because Earth’s powerful magnetic field protects everything on the planet.

But Mercury’s magnetic field is weak, so the solar wind can do some damage.

The solar wind is an example of space weather. On Earth, understanding the weather means measuring such things as rainfall, temperature and humidity. Understanding space weather means measuring powerful forces — energy from the sun — that can blast through space and affect even distant planets or other stars. To understand space weather on Mercury, scientists study electricity and magnetism.Office 2007 download is on sale now!

Red arrows indicate the direction of fast solar wind streams leaving the sun. Yellow lines show magnetic fields in the sun’s atmosphere.European Space Agency, NASAThe high-energy particles in the solar wind are a natural source of electric charges. Scientists have known for centuries that electricity is closely related to magnetism. A moving magnetic field can generate electricity, and moving electric charges can form a magnetic field.

When the electric particles of the solar wind plow into Mercury, they’re also carrying a powerful magnetic field. In other words, Mercury’s puny magnetic field gets hammered by the one in the solar wind. As the solar wind blows toward Mercury, its magnetic field presses down on Mercury’s magnetosphere in some places and pulls it up in others. As these two magnetic fields tangle high above the planet’s surface, the magnetic fields twist together and grow — and a magnetic tornado is born. (Among themselves, scientists call these tornadoes “magnetic flux transfer events.”)Office 2010 key is for you now!

“When one of these magnetic tornadoes forms at Mercury, it directly links the surface of the planet to the solar wind,” Slavin says. “It punches a hole in Mercury’s magnetic field.” And through that hole, he says, the solar wind can spiral down, down, down — all the way to the surface.

Mercury’s moving atmosphere

Mercury’s magnetic tornadoes are more than just a powerful force of nature. They may explain another of Mercury’s mysteries. NASA’s missions to Mercury have shown that, in another surprise, the planet has a thin atmosphere. An atmosphere is the bubble of particles that surrounds a planet or star: On Earth, the atmosphere contains the gases we need to breathe (as well as other gases). The atmosphere is held to Earth by the force of gravity.Many people use Microsoft Office 2007 to help their work and life.

Because Mercury is so small, however, scientists used to think that it did not have enough gravity to hold an atmosphere in place. That changed when Mariner 10 — and now MESSENGER — went to Mercury and found evidence of a thin, ever-changing atmosphere. It isn’t made of such light gases as oxygen suitable for breathing, however. Instead, Mercury’s atmosphere seems to be made of atoms of metals, such as sodium. Even more mysterious, scientists found that Mercury’s atmosphere appears and disappears in different spots all over the planet. It rarely stays in one place for long, and sometimes seems to move across the planet.

“One day you may see atmosphere at Mercury’s northern pole, the next day you may take an image and see more atmosphere over the southern atmosphere — or even at the equator,” Slavin says.

Slavin and his team now suspect that the Mercury’s strange atmosphere — or at least part of it — may actually be created by the magnetic tornadoes. When a tornado opens up, the solar wind can wind down to the surface of the planet. Its particles are so powerful that when they strike Mercury’s rocky surface, atoms fly up, up, up — and then gravity pulls them back down.

A magnetic tornado can be as wide as the entire planet, so sometimes the solar wind may blast half the planet at once. This sends up a lot of atoms, over a giant chunk of the planet’s surface, flying up like teeny baseballs that have just been hit out of the ballpark — and coming down again, eventually.Office 2007 is so powerful.

The magnetic tornadoes may last only a few minutes, which means the solar wind has only a few minutes to stir up atoms on Mercury’s surface. But the tornadoes happen frequently, which means the atmosphere may show up in one place, disappear minutes later — and show up again somewhere else on Mercury.

“It looks like the patchiness [of the atmosphere] is the effect of a very rapidly changing solar wind source,” says Menelaos Sarantos, a NASA research scientist with the Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology Center in Greenbelt, Md. “That was unexpected.”

If MESSENGER is watching when this happens, then these atoms flying above Mercury’s surface start to look like an atmosphere — a resemblance that could begin to answer some of the puzzling questions about Mercury.Office 2007 key is available here.

Brain tells signs from pantomime

San Diego — The brain can apparently tell the difference between a word and a gesture — even when the word is a gesture. Many people like Microsoft Office.

Karen Emmorey, a cognitive neuroscientist at San Diego State University, has been looking at how the brains of deaf people interpret American Sign Language. She showed 10 subjects pictures of objects that have actions associated with them — a cup for “drink,” say, or a broom for “sweep.” She asked participants to either sign the word that goes with the picture or to pantomime using the object. In some cases, like “drink,” the word and the gesture are the same: Subjects pretended to hold a cup in one hand and brought it to their mouths. For other words, like “sweep,” the sign and the pantomime look different.

By taking positron emission tomography images of the brain as subjects signed, Emmorey found that the brain broadcast participants’ intentions: Different regions of the brain lit up when the deaf subjects signed than when they pantomimed, even when the word and gesture were identical.

"For sign production we find language regions engaged,” Emmorey said February 19 at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting. But when subjects were pantomiming, the brain regions that lit up were those associated with grasping, manipulation and motor planning.Microsoft Office 2007 is welcomed by the whole world.

“The fact that many signs are iconic doesn’t change the fundamental organization of language, nor does it change the neural systems that underlie language,” she said. The work has been submitted for consideration for publication in Language and Cognitive Processes.

The good news, Drummond said, is that disrupted sleep among the elderly is not harmful in and of itself. Rather, it’s the actual minutes of sleep that need to be watched. Tuning sleep quantity may be a way to prevent common cognitive decline that happens as people age, he said.

In further experiments, the researchers treated the mice with a drug called clozapine, which elevates dopamine levels and is used to treat schizophrenia in people. After treatment, the mice showed reduced behavioral defects. The results give researchers hope that interventions at the adult stage can overcome deficits incurred early in development, Sawa says. 

Psychologist Tyrone Cannon of the University of California, Los Angeles calls Sawa’s research “critical and elegant work.” Although scientists have known for over 50 years that disorders like schizophrenia are highly heritable, “it’s taken us quite a bit of time to realize just how complex the genetic architecture of these disorders is, and to develop strategies that can begin to unravel the mystery of their inheritance,” he says. Office 2010 –save your time and save your money.

Older adults’ brains boosted by more, not better, sleep

SAN DIEGO — Quantity, not quality, of sleep may determine how well older people’s brains function the next day, research reported February 21 at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science suggests. For youngsters, though, quality may be more important. The study shows that sleep affects young and old brains differently, and may ultimately lead to new ways to offset age-related cognitive decline. Microsoft Office 2007 can give you more convenient life.

The link between sleep and learning has been well-established, comments Matthew Walker of the University of California, Berkeley. “It’s critical to sleep before learning. Sleep almost prepares the brain like a dry sponge to soak up new information.”

Contrary to common beliefs, older adults don’t sleep substantially less than younger adults. From age 35 to 85, people really lose only about an hour of nightly sleep, psychologist Sean Drummond of the University of California, San Diego said at the meeting. Rather, the thing that changes is something called sleep efficiency — a measure of the portion of time spent tossing, turning or lying awake in bed. “The biggest, most common, most robust change is that we spend more time awake in the middle of the night,” Drummond said.

In the new study, 33 adults with a mean age of 67 and 29 adults with a mean age of 27 slept in a lab while Drummond and his colleagues measured the duration and quality of their sleep. The next day, the researchers tested participants’ brain activity and performance on a learning and memory task.Office 2007 download is helpful!

Older adults who had slept for more total time the previous night were able to more accurately remember a list of random nouns than older adults who had slept fewer hours. What’s more, regions of the brain important for learning and memory showed higher activation in fMRI experiments in older adults who had slept more hours.

Sleep quality seemed to have no effect on performance, Drummond said. “For older adults, the absolute minutes of sleep they got last night has a significant influence on performance today,” he said.

On the other hand, in younger folks, the quality of sleep, and not the total amount, affected memory the next day, Drummond found. Young adults who slept in consolidated chunks performed better and had higher brain activity in certain regions than those who woke up frequently during the night, regardless of total minutes slept.

“Sleep last night does impact performance and brain function today, and it does so differently depending on whether you’re in your mid-20s versus your mid-60s,” he said. “Older adults need to get a certain amount of sleep. Young adults need to get that sleep in a consolidated chunk.”The invention of Microsoft Office 2010 is a big change of the world.

Placement of marine reserves is key

SAN DIEGO — Saving both fish and the fishermen who depend on them appears to come down to one thing: location, location, location.Office 2007 key is very convenient!

Marine protected areas, which currently limit fishing in 1.6 percent of the waters claimed by countries, need to be located in the right spots to have the maximum effect, researchers report. The work comes in a suite of papers published online February 22 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science on February 21.

In the Black Sea, for instance, setting aside just 20 to 30 percent of the most affected areas within marine reserves could accomplish nearly all the goals of protecting the entire reserve, reports a team led by Benjamin Halpern, a marine scientist at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis in Santa Barbara, Calif. This suggests that precisely placing the reserves, he said, “can have a dramatic effect on their ability to improve overall ocean health,” as measured by a suite of factors such as pollution and fishing. Office 2010 download is available now!

The number of marine protected areas is soaring. The world’s governments are nowhere near their stated commitment to protecting between 10 and 30 percent of their waters by 2012, but hundreds of new reserves have sprung up in recent years.

Not all of them are effective, however. Of 564 small reserves studied in the Philippines, for instance, only about one-third were functional, according to work by Richard Pollnac, an anthropologist at the University of Rhode Island in Kingston. The rest were not patrolled or monitored adequately to meet their conservation goals, he says.

Halpern’s work could help illuminate which areas are worth protecting. The biggest potential gain, he said, comes in areas that are heavily fished, where setting aside large chunks led to ocean health improvements of up to 50 percent. In other areas where fishing was less dominant, the overall ecosystem didn’t improve that much even as reserves were made bigger.

Managing marine protected areas can meet conservation goals while benefiting fishermen who work nearby, said Andrew Rassweiler, a biologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is a coauthor of another new study, which modeled how fish larvae disperse through the ocean from a marine protected area in southern California. A nearby fishery can improve its economic return by as much as 10 percent if it tracks how and where the larvae grow to big fish it can catch, he reported at the meeting.Buy Office 2007 you can get much convenience.

“People fishing can make more money with smaller impacts on the species being fished,” he said.

Mice that had reduced DISC1 activity in the womb had lower levels of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex at 56 days, the team found. DISC1 might be interfering with the normal development of dopamine-producing neurons, leading to the reduction of the chemical signal, Sawa says. What’s more, these mice performed worse on behavioral measures that require information processing.

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But I have a recovery, CD! Generally speaking, the recovery of your computer, when you bought it. They drive formatting, all from the very beginning. You lost all of you have already installed and service. You lost all of the data, you saved, so you want to make sure the backup your computer then reinstall it. It is a lot of work to do. You don't want to go there.Microsoft Office 2007 is welcomed by the whole world.

Support: company, sell your computer and OEM office is responsible for support, instead of Microsoft. Some companies do well the work of software support them in the business of selling hardware, after all. This software is completed.

Can upgrade: OEM, does not conform to the updated version.

The OEM of office, but it seems to buy more trouble than it's worth. Extra cost of the full version of office, full of CDS, can become a good investment.Office 2010 –save your time and save your money.

If you already have a copy to your office, PC, and suppliers, see if you can get a CD or from Microsoft.

Virus Alert - Bogus messages that seem to be from Microsoft

September 2003, there is a virus mail or newsgroup messages, looks like an HTML news from Microsoft makes you run a security patch.

These are not from Microsoft -- don't open them - they are the virusMicrosoft Office 2007 can give you more convenient life.

Microsoft has never sent by E-mail or newsgroups security update information.

If you have ordered a prompt service, can send emails about new updates, but it won't send E-mail attachments.

Remember: if it is an attachment, it is not from Microsoft. Don't run.

This is the direct from Microsoft's offer.

Note:Office 2007 download is helpful! and authority, all matters concerning the Microsoft security bulletins! Any E-mail or newsgroup Posting board, network (including the 1) an official visit the website should be the information. Microsoft has never send security or other update as accessory. These updates must download the Microsoft Windows update or download center. Refer to the individual bulletin for details.The invention of Microsoft Office 2010 is a big change of the world.

Because some malicious information to masquerade as official Microsoft security bulletin, suggest you to your body types of url links to web browser and don't click, provide.

And if you drive PowerPoint on a Mac, see this

From Microsoft.

If you use version PowerPoint before pre-alpha - Mac X, see Q297238 Mac OS X OFF2001: how to optimize your Macintosh systems configured

Also, you want to go to the Mactopia download link, you'll want to download and install service release patch 1: if you have not done so.Many people use Microsoft Office 2007 to help their work and life.

Of course, fell into the common problems in MAC main PowerPoint FAQ link so that you will find more MAC - specific PowerPoint help.

Don't copy and paste pictures and other content to slide

Instead, the picture, click save images and choose to your hard disk. Then insert | | | drawing pictures or inserted in PowerPoint 2007 | pictures in PowerPoint files from 2003 to bring the picture.

If you copy from the Internet, you stick to it to create opt-out - - a link to the Internet. This may lead to connect to the Internet every time someone opened the report. A real trouble, if you had one. And a hard to track and removed from darned.

Don't link imagesOffice 2007 is so powerful.

When you insert the picture as described above, you will notice a option file. Unless you have a very good reason to do so, don't. PowerPoint image links break easily. It usually safer, more effective inline documentation (in other words, they usually do not connect into).

You want to create a brochure or other printing? PowerPoint was not designed for this. You too hard work produces mediocre results. Choose a more appropriate plans, PageMaker InDesign publishers, or any other desktop publishing plans. Even though the word or other word processor might be easier to work.Office 2007 key is available here.

You need to make a website? Web - terms PowerPoint can create your demo version, but it is not a good tool for creating the entire site. Choose a special web design project.

Before you use PowerPoint ... SHOULD you use PowerPoint?

Before you decide, PowerPoint is the answer...

What is the problem. Decision.

What's the problem?

What's the news? You want to teach?

Who are you talking to?Office 2007 key is very convenient!

This tool is PowerPoint real work?

You want to create a brochure or other printing? PowerPoint was not designed for this. You too hard work produces mediocre results. Choose a more appropriate plans, PageMaker InDesign publishers, or any other desktop publishing plans. Even though the word or other word processor might be easier to work.

You need to make a website? Web - terms PowerPoint can create your demo version, but it is not a good tool for creating the entire site. Choose a special web design project.

You want to exchange ideas, or in some extent?

In this case, PowerPoint may only ticket. If so, do you and your audience of grace and reading scores power point by jamie McKenzie. McKenzie is write teacher plans to let their students to report, but create slides in the presenter is valid for any suggestion.Office 2010 download is available now!

Procedure: OEM office, may not contain all of the program, you expect. Slides, view, access or other programs can't tell you the OEM of office.

Installation CD, usually does not include: OEM office CD. Not very good. If a service pack or upgrade installation requirements you put the CD, you have no office.

If you have to, occurrence. Good? Maybe your hard disk failure, or you just need to replace the computer, etc. If you don't have an office of CDS, you will not succeed.Buy Office 2007 you can get much convenience.

But I have a recovery, CD! Generally speaking, the recovery of your computer, when you bought it. They drive formatting, all from the very beginning. You lost all of you have already installed and service. You lost all of the data, you saved, so you want to make sure the backup your computer then reinstall it. It is a lot of work to do. You don't want to go there.

Don't do this with PowerPoint. Seriously.

Before this, you must do any serious application, we will tell you something, you should always browse better.

There are a few things you should not slide, unless you really know what you're doing, and why. Even so, look before you leap.

Don't bounce report 2007 / between 2008 and win the Mac and/or early versionsOffice 2007 makes life great!

When you save from 2007 earlier 97-2003 homemade or equivalent Mac format, trying to protect editability appearance PowerPoint. It also causes a lot of additional slide master. This is good. If you need to do is check report in an old version of the slide. But if you edit it, then open it, especially in PowerPoint in 2007, if you move through a few back-and-forth cycle, so, you will find yourself in the dark. The header, footer, slippery Numbers and date may appear in unexpected ways, you can find a lot of unexpectedly, on the one hand, masters and layout.

If you cooperate with others, mobile "preview" version of the presentation, but the limits and the "real" editing a file in one or the other versions, but not both.

Don't bounce statement between both MAC and PC

See above. The problem is, again, a slightly different moving between both MAC and PC version will lead to the subtle difficult PowerPoint to solve the problem. Best avoided.

Don't mean to pre - 97/98 version of the speechOffice 2007 download is on sale now!

The window 97,2000,2002 PowerPoint 2000 and 2003, mike, 2001, the X PowerPoint 98 year of 2004 and all use the same file format. Early versions ignore things they don't understand in later editions preserved PPT. Just to save your files are usually if you want to share it with the user's PPT version.

These rules are different, if you use, where you can have kept back PowerPoint 2007 97-2003 format, so people can use your speech. In this case, look at the slides before compatible version to understand more about the "to work".

The only alternative is PowerPoint 95, irate work in four (old PowerPoint PowerPoint) and "PowerPoint 97 - XXX and 95 presentation" save the current and PowerPoint 95 version of speech in the same file. Results: the dropsy, large files. I see why so big PowerPoint files? What can I do? For more information.Office 2010 key is for you now!

Unless you absolutely must share files and people still use slides 95, there is no reason to go to save what type of normal PPT. For those, you may find it easy to give them a free of audience, this will allow you to view and print PowerPoint's speech in full fidelity. Download free PowerPoint audience

DeGeneres Leaving 'Idol,' Says It Was Bad Fit


Ellen DeGeneres is dancing off American Idol after one season, leaving Fox's hit show with two vacancies on its judging panel.Many people use Microsoft Office 2007 to help their work and life.

"A couple months ago, I let Fox and the 'American Idol' producers know that this didn't feel like the right fit for me," DeGeneres said in a statement. The comedian-talk show host said she realized that while she "loved discovering, supporting and nurturing young talent, it was hard for me to judge people and sometimes hurt their feelings."

DeGeneres said she told the network she would delay any action until it had time to "figure out where they wanted to take the panel next."Office 2007 is so powerful.

A Fox statement contained no announcement of a replacement for DeGeneres. The network could make an announcement Monday, when it presents its 2010-11 programming schedule to members of the Television Critics Association meeting in Beverly Hills.

If the singing contest intends to revamp itself to stem a ratings slide, it has the opportunity to bring in two new faces for season 10 in January. Fox has yet to announce a replacement for Simon Cowell, who left after the season finale in May to start a new talent show for the network.

Judge Kara DioGuardi, who was brought in two years ago to replace Paula Abdul, is not under contract for next year and Fox has not announced whether she'll return.Office 2007 key is available here.

"It was a joy to work with Ellen," said Mike Darnell, president of alternative entertainment for Fox. "She brought an incredible spirit to Idol."